Thursday 31 March 2011

the colour blue


The port in Gothenburg. How blue is that sky??

Complete with pirate ship and lipstick tower.

Also I may have a slight obsession with Panorama shots.


Wednesday 30 March 2011

hello sunshine

 Gothenburg in the sunshine is literally stunning.


Well done Gothenburg. You are very pretty.

And the freckles have appeared. 


The picture was taken through the window of the Goteborg Konstmuseum (The Gothenburg Museum of Art)

the kitty cat


A stubborn little madam. 

She is getting to the age where she cannot move from room to room without flopping on the floor. She is now developing a habit of peeing in strangers shoes. My mum just believes she is stressed and has bought some sort of hormonal plug-in that is meant to calm our kitty, but in fact it just makes her all loveable around the plug and everywhere in the house she just gets bitter.

Also her breath always smells like fish... but she doesn't eat fish. She is fussier than me (and I'm a fussy eater) and prefers eating and chasing peas. 


Tuesday 29 March 2011


The shoes - handpainted by moi

My name is Hannah (otherwise known as Ranrah) and I just wanted this space to show a few bits and peices I have been working on. I'm not claiming to be a great artist or anything. I just enjoy being creative.

Over and out for the time being