About me

My name is Hannah
I am 23 years old

I am an e-learning developer and designer. I get to spend my days animating and green screening and fun things that make me clap my hands like a seal.

I live in Birmingham (normally) in a lovely home - a proper house - with a garden and everything! I live there with a lovely chap called Josh <3 and Dave (ha!)

I have a scratch-off map of the world, showing where we have been travelling. Its been a few good years of exploring

Next stop Vietnam

This blog began when I was living in Gothenburg, Josh's job is very posh and grown up so he was shipped there to work on top secret things and I came along for the ride. It was fun just being able to have days of exploring so I wrote about it on my travelling blog. Then I got a bunny and this all changed!

 I really want to travel the world.

I have a wish list:

Africa for Safariii times - I want to see the giraffes and elephants and tigers (list goes on a bit)
India - It just looks so beautiful and the culture really interests me
Australia - My plan is to pack up my bags and live here for a year or two. I am terrible at learning languages (bit ironic after I love travelling) so I hope this will make it easier :)
China - I want to do the Trans-Siberian railway from Russia to China.
Egypt - I have studied the Egyptians sooo I really want to go see the pyramids and all the deserts 
Vietnam - Next trip please!

And pretty much everywhere!   


He is my bear and I love him so much.

We met in the typical student way... drunk. But I knew he was a tad different when we spent one of the first nights together sitting on top of a bin star watching and our first date ended up with us back at his place making pizza from the leftovers of the cheap isle in tescos. CLASSY.

And nothing has changed much:
We are mid decorating our first piece of furniture we have together with all things that remind us of each other, we eat a lot of cheese, drink straight from the bottle, try to master Australian hugs, have bubble baths with my 12 rubber ducks, have our very own poo chart, make picnics the best day out, jumping shots from every country we visit, have a strange addiction to peggle and terrible TV shows, get overly excited about our 1 pound bets on Formula 1, trips to asda to get 10p sandwiches, bed days complete with big breakfasts, snail racing, pulling pranks on each others rooms, drinking games and going to zoos to make friends with all the animals and cucumber kisses.

We are like two big kids. I have a perfect life with him. I cannot live without him.


My friends can just send me a text to make my day.

I knew I found a good bunch when I can be with them for only a matter of minutes before somebody has become rowdy or made me laugh until I nearly pee. We have had some amazing times, at university and at home... and some how my lives have mixed so closely that we are all a big friendship group. People actually thought Banni was at University with me, she practically was. 

We are the typical Watford trash but they are all actually the nicest people you will ever meet and the University lot are the kind you want to spend all your days with. 

  I wish I could fill this with pictures of all the people I love... I have great friends and they make me feel like I am in a pile of Balloons every day.


Starsky (Starsky and Hutch, get it?) was a 23rd Birthday surprise from my amazing boyfriend and now she is apart of the family 

Happily ever after.