Saturday 10 September 2011

Freddie Mercury...

had a birthday on the 5th September  (and he would be turning 65!) I drew the master singer himself. (This was a bit of a quickie drawing due to the boys playing FIFA and I was having none of that). After all, FIFA in our house is a serious business. We have a scoreboard and everything. But it bores me... like waiting for trains.

I was brought up on Queen (my dad's influence) and I still think they are one of the BEST bands to grace our tiny little planet. I think Freddie Mercury was a talented laddy. He also had moustachiooo that I would like to see modelled in real life.

Also, he even gets a space on google, which means he definitely is uber awesome which you can watch right by clicking this magical link: Freddie's tribute by google

He rides a tiger into lightning.