Thursday 7 April 2011

gingerbread family

Karina-bean, Ranrah, Tex, Josh bosh

 Me and Josh have this phrase we use... forever baking.

Even though I am a terrible baker, I can decorate until my heart is content. And we pinky promise to bake terribly together.

My little email to him today...

Dear mister josh,

When I woke up this morning I felt so blue
Because I wasn't spending my day with you
And even on this (my favourite) sunny day
It just feels absolutely lame and gay

I wish that we could just live in a bubble
No bad dreams or worry trouble
Then I could make sure each day you had was amazzinggg
Because we will be forever baking

And this little thing I wrote to you
Is to say how much I love everything you do
Apart from when you drop me on the floor
Or when hit me with pizza boxes, like before.

But to be honest, it does make me grin
When I see you terrified on a kid's spinny thing
And you remind me each and every day
Why i love being so gaaaayyy

Because you let me squeal when I see giraffes
And run me romantic bubble baths
And buy my chicken nuggets when I'm drunk
And, of course, you are a FITTTT HUUUNKKKK

You let me take 400 photos on one trip
And teach me how to skip stones or dishcloth whip
And when I wake up and see your little sweeepy face
I'm happy to be ranrah josh bosh
FOREVERRRRR (and a day)

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